Wyoming Tennis Camp For Kids @ UW
June 6-10
8:30am-9:45am mostly beginners (ages 5-8)
9:45am-11am mostly intermediates (ages 9-12)
11am-12:15pm mostly advanced (ages 13-18)
Cost: $90 includes t-shirt, prizes and insurance
Make check payable and mail to Pam Wildt
Pam Wildt
Wyoming Tennis Office
1000 E. University Ave. Dept 3414
Laramie, WY 82071
766-5065 (office)
760-7648 (cell)
Due to space and instructors, number of participants and times could become limited. Camps include instruction, conditioning, t-shirt and prizes. Please return form with payment as soon as possible.
Please Copy And Paste Info Below Into Word Or Your Word Processing Program And Mail To Address Above.
Camper’s Name:______________________Age:______
Parent’s Name:________________________________
State:__________Zip:________ Grade, fall 2005:_____
Home ph:____________cell ph:____________________
Age:_______ Level:___________Amount enclosed:______
t-shirt size: Youth (M/L) or Adult (S, M, L, XL)
I am a high school letter winner: yes or no
Parents’ Release:
I, as a parent/guardian of ________________ do hereby give my approval to my child’s participation in the tennis camp. I assume all risks incidental to such participation and do hereby hold harmless the University of Wyoming, Pam Wildt, Rob Kuseski, and employees from any claim or alleged liability in connection with my child’s participation in the program.
I understand that participation in the sport of tennis can be dangerous and result in serious injury and that if any emergency should arise, I give you full permission and authority to take steps that are reasonably necessary to protect my child, including medical care. I agree to be responsible to hospital expenses, doctor bills, and other expenses that may be incurred to assist and protect my child.
Signed (parent):_________________________ date:_________________
Insurance Co._______________________Policy number:_______________