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MLK JR Park Tennis Courts for Kids!

On July 7, 2014 the Cheyenne Tennis Association and the City of Cheyenne Parks and Recreation Department co-hosted the Grand opening of the newly constructed Tennis Courts at Martin Luther King Jr. Park located at Ames Avenue and Martin Luther King Ct.  A larger than expected crowd estimated at over 100 strong, enjoyed hot dogs and cookies furnished and prepared by the current Board Members of the Cheyenne Tennis Association.

The children that attended filled all 4 of the 36 foot courts and were treated to a free Tennis Clinic organized by Cheyenne Country Club Pro Ken Yamada.  Group instructors were Ken Gross from Cheyenne Parks and Dylan Hatenalas from the Cheyenne Country Club.  On-court volunteers were provided by the Central High School Girls Varsity Tennis Team.  Also assisting was USTA, Wyoming Board member Jesse Chavez.

Guest Speakers included Wyoming State Senator Floyd Esquibel, James Byrd from the Wyoming State Legislature,  City Councilwoman Georgia Broyles and Cheyenne Mayor Rick Kayson.  The Mayor gave special thanks and acknowledgements to Teresa Moore of City Parks and Rec. for her perseverance in seeing the project to completion.  Also in attendance was Ward 1 Councilwoman Annette Williams.

Originally the Park had 2 full sized (78’) tennis courts that had become unsafe because of large cracks and disintegration of the playing surface.  After three years of meetings and planning, the project was completed in July of 2014.  Funding for the project came from the Land and Water Conservation Fund , the United  States Tennis Association, the Wyoming District of the USTA, the Cheyenne Tennis Association, the City of Cheyenne via the Ward 1 Discretionary Funds, and private donations.

Cheyenne Municipal Court Judge Ronn Jeffrey, after hitting a few groundstrokes on the new courts, said “I have fond memories of the time I spent on the old courts here, and when I heard about the Grand Opening, I had to check it out.”

Dave Boon, Executive Director of the USTA WY District could not be more pleased.  “We are so pleased that USTA was able to provide over $20,000 in support for this important project and that it was a truly collaboration effort by many individuals and organization.  Ken Yamada (USTA WY Board Member) and Teresa Moore (Cheyenne P&R) deserve a special shout out for their on-going determination to see this project to completion.  These are the first permanent 36” courts in Wyoming and Cheyenne Parks and Recreations leadership has made this possible.  I am so excited and proud of this accomplishment.  I hope to see you all (kids, parents and grandparents) out on the courts at Martin Luther King Jr. Park real soon!”  




