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USTA WY Names New Board Members

October 27, 2015 04:03 PM

Three new volunteers were elected to the Board of Directors at the 2015 Annual Meetings of the USTA Wyoming District held last Saturday October 24th at the Frontier Park Indoor Tennis Center in Cheyenne.  Previous Board members that were re-elected included Mary Perkins (Torrington) and Kristy Lamb (Riverton).  Three additional community volunteers were also elected to the Board of Directors. These included Stephenson Emery (Casper), Becky Fischer (Laramie) and Kathy Plowman (Cheyenne). 

The Board would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the Board members that have retired from the Board:  Dean Clower (Laramie), Ken Yamada (Cheyenne) and Angela Emery (Casper).  Dean has accepted a position with a Committee with the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA).  Ken Yamada has been on our Board and has volunteered in two other Sections as well as to serving on our sectional committees.  Ken will be receiving the David Freer Award (Intermountain Sectional Life Time achievement Award) at the ITA Annual meetings in Las Vegas in December.  Angela Emery not only has volunteered on our Board, but was the WY Representative to the Intermountain Board of Directors and moved up to the top position (President) of the Intermountain Board.  She is now serving as the Intermountain Delegate to the USTA National Board of Directors. 

CONGRATULATIONS to our new Board members and a huge THANKS for all your service to helping to grow the game of tennis in Wyoming to our leaving Board members. 



