2022 USTA Wyoming Board of Directors Announced

The 2022 USTA Wyoming Board of Directors has been announced. Congratulations to the following individuals:
President - Austin Stege, Cheyenne
Vice President - Trey McDonald, Cheyenne
Secretary - Josh Cossitt, Cheyenne
Treasurer - Joe Asay, Powell
Past President & USTA Intermountain Delegate - Steve Emery, Casper
Director at Large - Mary Perkins, Torrington
Director at Large - Erica Medlin, Laramie
Director at Large - Tim Havasi, Casper
Director at Large - Cheryl Johnson, Laramie
Director at Large - Darin Anderson, Rock Springs
Director at Large - Diane McGee, Jackson
ExOfficio - Elizabeth Clower, Laramie
ExOfficio - Jesse Chavez, Cheyenne
ExOfficio - Kacie Pugel
USTA Wyoming is always looking for volunteers who are willing to serve. If you'd like to get involved with USTA Wyoming, please fill out this short information form.