» USTA Adult Leagues

NTRP ratings and frequently asked questions

NTRP Ratings and Frequently Asked Questions

NTRP ratings for all Wyoming players have been produced by the USTA. Final 2006 NTRP ratings are now available.

Each published rating will have a "Rating Type" associated with it. The following table defines each of these types:

S – Self-rate
A – Appeal
B – Benchmark
C – Computer
D – Dynamic
M – Mixed Exclusive Year-end Rating
T – Tournament Exclusive

Frequently Asked Questions about NTRP and Appeals

Even though the National Tennis Rating Program has been around for many years the league department at the WYOTA still receives more questions about NTRP than any other subject. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about NTRP.


What is a NTRP rating?
NTRP ratings are numerical results of the USTA computer program that directly and indirectly compares the scores of matches played against benchmarked players. Your match score against a benchmarked player, or against someone who played a benchmarked player, will generate a NTRP rating for you. Your win/loss record, team position played, and team standings do NOT affect your rating.

What is a benchmark player?
Benchmark players are most often players who participated in the USTA Adult and the USTA Senior League District, Sectional, and National Playoffs. A benchmark player is one whose rating has been determined by the computer using a combination of the dynamic rating and the match results. A large number of player’s ratings are derived from comparing their match results, directly or indirectly, to the benchmark player’s match results.

Why are NTRP ratings important?
The best league competition takes place when players play at their correct level. Playing up weakens match play at the higher level. The Wyoming Tennis Association strongly recommends players play at their rated level.

What matches are included in the ratings?
All NTRP tournament results, except mixed doubles, and all USTA league matches, except mixed doubles, are included. Two results are needed to generate a published rating. Players who play only mixed doubles will generate a mixed doubles exclusive rating for 2006 provided they play 2 or more matches.

I played with only one doubles partner last year. I moved up but she didn’t. Why?
Doubles partners can have different ratings if one or both players played matches in addition to those with their doubles partner.

I had a 3-7 win/loss record last year and was moved up. One of our doubles teams went undefeated and remained at the same level. How does that happen?
Remember that NTRP ratings are based on who you played and how well you played against them, not whether you won or lost. Look at your individual match record. Were your losses against players who also moved up and were the scores close? Were your wins decisive? Did the doubles teams have several three set wins against players in the same level or even a lower level? All of these factors are taken into consideration when the ratings are calculated.

I’ve been a 3.5 player all my life and I now have a 4.0 rating. I’m afraid I’m going to get whooped this year. Help!
NTRP ratings are calculated to the one-hundredth of a point with lines drawn every one-half point. For example, a 4.0 published player may have an actual rating anywhere from 3.51 to 4.00. This means your opponent may be within a tenth of a point of you or there may be almost a half-point difference between you. It’s the luck of the draw.

Can I see my actual NTRP rating?
No. The WYOTA does not want to see “bottom of level” players turned away from teams in favor of a player rated at the “top of the level.”

I didn’t play last year so I don’t have a 2006 NTRP rating. What should I do?
Ratings are valid for 3 years so if you had a rating published any year from 2004 - 2006, that rating remains valid for the 2007 league and tournament season.


Only appeals meeting the criteria below will be considered

USTA Methodology allows appeals to be granted for the following reasons:


Player whose year-end rating is within .05 above or below NTRP level will be granted


Player who has reached age 60 during the league year and whose rating is within .10 above or below will be granted.


Year old non-benchmark rating that falls within .10 above IF the next highest approved NTRP level is not available


No national benchmark ratings from 2006 may be appealed except for medical (see below)

Medical Appeals
Medical Appeals must be accompanied by an attending physician’s evaluation of the injury and all other substantiating information to include the prognosis for recovery with a timeline..

Permanent disabling injury or illness occurring after year-end ratings were achieved.

All national benchmarks will be submitted to the National League Administrator for decision

Mixed Doubles Exclusive Appeals

New player (self-rated) with 4 or fewer matches if it falls within .20 above the final dynamic NTRP level may be granted an appeal

Computer rated players with exclusive mixed doubles ratings must fall into the year-end appeal criteria.

Electronic Self-Rate on TennisLink
These are appealed through TennisLink only.

