This form can be used for WYOTA Sanctioned Tournaments. It is NOT to be used for USTA Adult Leagues, Junior Team Tennis or Flex-Leagues. Some helpful information:
- You must be a current USTA member with a valid card number to enter a WYOTA Sanctioned Tournament. Go to or call 1-800-990-8782 to become a member.
- If you use this mail in entry form, it must be mailed to the specific Tournament Director and it must be received by the entry close date as set by each Tournament.
- We strongly encourage you to register for tournaments on-line through TennisLink at -- this makes it much easier for you and for the Tournament Director.
Wyoming Tennis Association
Uniform Tournament Entry Form
Your Name___________________________________________USTA#______________________________
Phone___________ Cell #________________ Email_________________________________________
Tournament __________________________________________________________________________
TennisLink #__________________________________________________________________________
Doubles Partner_______________________________________________________________________
Fees enclosed_________________________________________________________________________