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Why I volunteer for WYOTA

Sometimes to get something you want, you have to volunteer to do it.  I really wanted to play in a tennis league when I came to Cheyenne.  There were no indoor leagues and summer leagues had fallen into disarray.  Leagues were how I got acquainted with people.  I was disappointed not to be able to play on a regular basis and not to have any easy pathway into the local tennis scene.  Since I had prior experience helping with an independent league in Omaha, I offered my services to Laramie County Tennis Association, which has been superseded by the Cheyenne Tennis Association.  I enjoyed starting up the summer leagues and wanted to see them grow and improve. 

During my time on the Laramie County Tennis Association board, I learned about the Wyoming Tennis Association and began to learn what they offered.  One of my main interests was the USTA league play.  I thought if I could just tap into the USTA knowledge base, I could help the leagues and tennis grow.  I really didn't know how WYOTA worked, but found out I could attend their annual meeting which was held in Cheyenne that year.  So I decided to attend and see if I could serve on that board.  They voted me in and then my education regarding the business of tennis began.
I loved being on the WYOTA board!  I met people all across the state who were as passionate about tennis as I was.  And each one brought a different skill set and a different perspective about how to grow the game.  I began to learn about programs offered by the USTA through the Intermountain Tennis Association to improve local tennis associations, grants for courts and individuals, teaching opportunities and the latest on USTA leagues.  I loved being able to share what I learned with our local association.  And again I met wonderful people from the six state area encompassed by the ITA.  Sue Capozella
Sue has been a very valuable volunteer to not only USTA WY but also to the intermountain Section of the USTA.  She is currently on the Awards Committee for both organizations.  The USTA is the governing body for our sport (tennis) in the US.  We are similar in that respect to the NFL (football), NBA and WNBA (basketball), PGA/LPGA (golf), and the USTA WY District coordinates the tennis activities (tournament, leagues, etc) in WY for the USTA. 
What kind of benefits can you received from volunteering for the USTA WY District?  As Sue pointed out, you get to meet interesting people that are passionate about the sport and you get to learn a ton about the sport.  You can feel good about ---- 1) helping students get tennis as part of their PE program in schools, 2) starting our next generation of players -- who knows you might see them on TV someday, 3) helping with tournaments, leagues, or FUN socials. 
Did I also mention that as a volunteer with the USTA WY District you also get invited to the Semi-Annual Meetings of the USTA and that these are always held during the US Open in NYC.  The main reason that you should volunteer for the USTA WY District -- we could use your help and you will be making a positive difference in your community and in Wyoming. 
Contact Dave Boon if you are interested in being a volunteer for USTA WY. 


